From Jilon on 07/26/2009

My dear Roy, So many things have gone on in the past 2 years.... Damn!! its really been 2 whole years. I miss you so much, my life has taken some turns upside down and back again.... all this would never have happened had our life continued on together.... I miss life with you Roy.. I miss the time we spent, the laughs we shared, everything we had. Last night I did a quiz on facebook, titled: what zodiac sign are you most compatible with? and... of course it said Pisces... Oh my dearest Roy... What I wouldnt give for you to see your son grow up, to be the one who can make him into a man. You are and always will be my ONE true love. No one will ever take your place and I know that you know that. I've lost myself in this time, and I dont seem to know who I am anymore. You had always made me so confident in who I was, and allowed me to follow my dreams, speak my mind and let my heart guide me. I was always allowed to wear my heart on my shoulders and be who I was with you. I really do miss who I used to be. I really miss our life together. You used to tell me that you wanted to watch me grow old, for us to grow old together, you would love me when my hair turned gray as we celebrated our 50th anniversary. You always seemed to know exactly what to say to make me smile. My whole life, heart and sould still does and always will belong to you. If someone cannot accept that, they WILL ADAPT... this is life... this is my life, and you were and are my soul mate. I love you so much Roy, and I miss you forever my love!